
Beth Elliot

Page history last edited by Collier 13 years, 10 months ago

Beth Elliot was to perform at the West Coast Lesbian Conference but members of the San Francisco (S.F.) chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) identified her as the transwomen that attempted to join their chapter.  They then lead a group to push her off the stage.  This is not to say that Beth did not have her supporters.  In regards to the vote to deny Beth's membership in the S.F. DOB the editorial staff of the DOB newspaper Sisters walked out and offered this statement:  "We are disgusted that any lesbian has the audacity to judge the sexuality of another sister.  And so we resign."  In Los Angeles, Jeanne Cordova wrote an editorial in the Lesbian Tide about this.  She said, "Those who vote 'no' tonight vote with our oppressors, Those who vote 'yes' recognize that none of us is free unless all of us are free." (link to source no longer works)

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