The Botts Collection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History is open to the public by appointment.
We actively seek your donations of
historical GLBT items.
Contact us at 713-256-7392.
We will be happy to promptly
pick them up.
Begun under the aegis of the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church as the Charles Botts Memorial Archives and Library, the Botts Collection of LGBT History, Inc. is now a tax exempt corporation housed in the Montrose area at 2515 Waugh Drive, Houston, TX 77006.
The Collection actively seeks donations of GLBT activist papers, books, films, photos, diaries, videos, and just about anything reflecting on the GLBT history of Houston. We are happy to pick up donations - just contact us.
With your permission, your donations will be cataloged and indexed and made available to researchers and scholars as well as the general public worldwide via the internet, for the benefit of those seeking the history of the GLBT Houston Community.
The Collection under the guidance of Larry Criscione has been assisting researchers, scholars, documentary makers and authors for more than ten years.
The Board President Leif Hatlen can be reached at, and the Curator of the Collection, Larry Criscione at 713-256-7392.
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