This timeline is an attempt to set Houston events in perspective to what else was going on in Texas and the United States at large.
This is a work in progress. At this time, we are not so concerned with technicaly glitches as we are the accuracy of the information. Red text that is not underlined indicates subjects that need a link, or an article to be written. Underlined red text leads to a page under construction.
If you have more information that you would like to share (or find a link that does not work), please, take the time to e-mail: skip_teauxmelou@yahoo.com .
Articles and ads from: Montrose Star, Houston Voice, Nuntius, Outsmart, This Week in Texas and The Wand at the Charles Botts Memorial Library and Archives.
Houston Pride Guides and Pride Newsletters housed in the Pride offices.
ARTICLES from other periodicals:
Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Suzanna M. Crage, “Movements and Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth.” American Sociological Review 71: 724-751.
Perkins, Laura, “Bad Times and Good: Gays and San Francisco share a long -- and sometimes tumultuous – past” San Francisco Chronicle: Friday, June 23, 2000
Balm, Tracy. 2008. Out and proud in Chicago: an overview of the city's gay community. Agate Surrey.
Eskridge, William N. 1999. Gaylaw : challenging the apartheid of the closet : Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press,
Kaiser, Charles. 1997. The Gay Metropolis: 1940-1996. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Marcus, Eric. 2002. Making gay history:the half-century fight for lesbian and gay equal rights. New York: Perennial
Sears,James T. 2001. Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones:Queering Space in the Stonewall South. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Stewart, Chuck. 2003. Gay and Lesbian Issues. Santa Barbara, CA; ABC-CLIO, Inc.
Streitmatter, Rodger. 1995. Unspeakable: The Rise of the Gay and Lesbian Press in America. Boston: Faber and Faber
PFLAG. 1997. “Faith in Our Families: Parents, Families and Friends Talk About Religion and Homosexuality” 1726 M Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20036
About.com Lesbian Life pages by Kathy Belge
Alberta Trans timeline
Bad Times and Good: Gays and San Francisco share a long -- and sometimes tumultuous -- past
Before Stonewall Bar Guide by Len Evans
Chronology of Hate Crimes: 1998-2002, H.R.C. Page
Gay Chronicles, compiled by Len Evans
Gay History on 356gay.com
Gay: The Niche's History
Get your gay history straight in Philadelphia
GLBT History
Houston Chronicle Database via H.P.L.
History of Bi Movement
Houston Voice Magazine
Know your Queer History by Alan Virta, Nicole LeFavour, and Keith Gaines [Boise, ID]
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered Center (NY)
LGBT Religious Archives
The Malcontent
National Gay Task Force History
National Gay Task Force Timeline
Out Smart Magazine
People with a Story: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History
Pokey Anderson’s “An Idiosyncratic Tour of Houston” from Livable Houston Magazine
Queer Heritage, A Timeline
Rainbow History Project (Washington, D.C.)
Road to EDNA: A Brief Timeline of Transgender, Gay and Lesbain Civil Rights
Sear’s [James T.] Overview of Queer History
Tom's Maximum Files
Transgender Day of Remembrance, Houston, TX
Transgender Law History Lesson
Transsexual, Transgender, and Intersex History
Wikipedia articles
Wikipedia Timeline of LGBT History
Comments (1)
Collier said
at 1:15 pm on Aug 28, 2009
Paul Mullan is helping me tinker with the timeline on my page. I'm braking it down into decades so it won't be so unwieldy. Once I'm finished I'll transfer it over to here. Jo
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